
OSA Newsline - November 28, 2022

Ukraine still lives

The big news last week was the victory in court of the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees.

If you recall, as of last year, those Medicare-eligible retirees who chose to avoid the Medicare Advantage program that the City is seeking to implement were due to be charged $191 a month to retain the GHI Senior Care plan.

The lower court first halted the start of the Medicare Advantage plan because of poor implementation and then forbid the city from charging $191 a month for Senior Care.

The City appealed and, as of last week, lost again on the issue of charging $191 for Senior Care.

The story is not over because the City is still insistent on recovering the $600 million a year of Federal subsidy lost when the Medicare Advantage program stumbled.

What comes next, we do not know.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 28, 2022

OSA Newsline - November 21, 2022

Ukraine still lives

Last week's nomination meeting began our biannual election period. It was held under difficult circumstances because it was our first try at a live plus Zoom meeting. Our technicians Rob Spencer and Megan Wofsy did a fine job, and all the problems were worked out.

The nominations were handled by Global Election Services, a neutral party contracted to run the OSA election.

This election, we have had the involvement of lawyers, legal action, use of emails and texts. There is now an agreement for a more limited and predictable regular campaign to follow.

There will be a ten-day period to complete nominations by November 28th. There will then be a further ten-day period before the ballots go out and counting is scheduled for December 29th.

During this time period, slates are limited to a maximum of three texts, three emails and two letters per slate. Neutral firms will be used to handle mail, emails, and texts. The settlement document can be read at the link below:

Settlement Document

(Note: The Nominations meeting occurred on 11/17/22. A typo in the settlement document had it as 11/17/20.)

Nominations Notice

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 21, 2022

OSA Newsline - November 14, 2022

Ukraine still lives

Our November membership meeting will be held on Zoom and live as well. Members are, however, being discouraged from coming in person due to the COVID situation.

We did send out mail specifying both live and Zoom and, by the time we had second thoughts, it was too late for mail notice to cancel the live portion.

So, a few heroic staff will be here to accomodate those members who arrive in person, but the general advice is to Zoom in to the meeting.

The meeting is a regular meeting, but the Nomination portion will be handled by Global Election Services. There will be, as usual, a post-meeting session for delegates in training. Our guest speaker will be Roland Rexha of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 14, 2022

OSA Newsline - November 7, 2022

Ukraine still lives

The top news is the cancellation of our Holiday Party. Our Executive Board regretfully cancelled the party last week. As far back as last August, we had discussed having the party and, at that time, it was felt we could hold the party. The number of COVID cases popping up and now the flu raised evermore concern. The arrival of eight cases of COVID at the union office over the past two months finally pushed us to cancel the party.

Those members who have sent or are sending in for tickets will receive a letter of apology, plus return of monies sent. We do miss our annual party. Perhaps next year, we can hope.

Other news from last week relates to the Medicare Advantage issue. The City trotted out various nightmare scenarios if the Advantage plan does not go through for our Medicare eligible retirees. The top leaders of our largest unions pointed out that the City could not unilaterally make these changes and that organized labor opposed such changes. The matter is now in court and before the City Council and will eventually be back at the bargaining table.

This Tuesday is Election Day. Vote as you wish, but please do vote.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 7, 2022