The Organization of Staff Analysts (OSA) is a vibrant and growing union of professionals in public service. We represent employees of the City of New York in the Analyst title series serving in more than 50 City agencies, as well as other municipal employees in a range of professional titles. You will find a complete list of titles represented by OSA at this link or lower down on this page. The job description for each title is linked below as well.
Founded in late 1969 as a professional organization, OSA became the official collective bargaining agent for Analysts in the Board of Education in 1985. Since then, OSA has won collective bargaining rights for previously unorganized New York City employees in the remaining City agencies, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), the Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), and the Transit Authority (TA). OSA is a member of the Municipal Labor Committee, a coalition of unions representing the majority of New York City employees, as well as the New York City Central Labor Council, which contains more than 400 area unions in the public and private sectors. OSA is committed to organizing the unorganized. We most recently gained the right to represent Directors of Information Services and Associate Directors of Hospitals at NYC Health + Hospitals, Health Systems Managers, Administrative Staff Analysts at Levels II and III in all City agencies, and Administrative Community Relations Specialists. OSA is governed by an elected nine-member EXECUTIVE BOARD.
WHAT IS AN ANALYST? Analysts are individuals who are employed to break complex matters down into their component parts to enable greater understanding. So in the broader world, there are psychoanalysts, chemical analysts, financial analysts, and terrorism analysts. In New York City government, we are analysts who are on staff, therefore staff analysts. The Analyst title job description provides New York City agencies enormous management flexibility; the job duties of the average Analyst change frequently with the needs of his/her agency. Analysts for the Traffic Department are in the street checking traffic flow. Analysts in Welfare Centers verify work done and design improved systems. Analysts edit agency publications. Analysts approve contracts and do staff training. Analysts do audits and write procedures. They design forms and do personnel work. They write grant proposals and devise time-keeping systems. Analysts design computer management information systems. They study infectious diseases for the Department of Health, arrest reports for the Police Department, community development for the Department of City Planning, air quality for the Department of Environmental Protection and how much money remains after doing all these things for the Financial Information Services Agency. All Analysts have one common denominator in their daily work. They help City government do its work well. WHICH TITLES ARE REPRESENTED BY OSA? In 2023, the Organization of Staff Analysts (OSA) represents approximately 5,100 municipal workers in the following titles organized into three bargaining units. You can also download a flyer with all of the titles represented by OSA at this link.
ORGANIZATION OF STAFF ANALYSTS (OSA) Bargaining Certificate #3-88 Collective Bargaining Unit #180
ORGANIZATION OF STAFF ANALYSTS (OSA) Bargaining Certificate #9-2001 Collective Bargaining Unit #183
ORGANIZATION OF STAFF ANALYSTS (OSA) Bargaining Certificate #19-2022 Collective Bargaining Unit #188
HOW TO CONTACT US The Organization of Staff Analysts By phone: (212) 686-1229 Between 9AM and 5PM By fax: (212) 686-1231 PLEASE NOTE NEW NUMBER: OSA Newsline: (646) 233-5100 |
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