Labor Day Parade 2023 - 9/9/23

Around 50 OSA members, retirees, friends and family turned out for the 2023 Labor Day Parade, held on the first Saturday after Labor Day. OSA's contingent carried signs bearing this year's parade's slogan "We Organize, We Rise!" Thanks to staffer Isabel Gomez who did graphic work for the signs. The threatened rain held off til after the parade, though the high humidity did not. To start with, here are two videos of the contingent. Below the videos are two sets of photos of the OSA contingent in the parade.

Below is a slide show of photos from the Labor Day Parade taken by OSA Director of Media Services Rob Spencer. The overhead photo is courtesy of the NYC Central Labor Council.

OSA Marches in the 2023 Labor Day Parade - 9/9/23 Part 2

And here's a slide show of Labor Day photos kindly taken by OSA member Kristina Fetkovich. Thank you very much for your help, Kristina!

OSA Marches in the 2023 Labor Day Parade - 9/9/23