
OSA Newsline - September 25, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

Last week - and this week as well - many of the top leadership of our union were suffering from COVID. As a result, we have had to delay our September membership meeting from this week until October 12th on Zoom. Look for a registration email during the week of October 2nd. If you have never provided a personal email to the union, please send your email to Megan Wofsy at mwofsy@osaunion.org. Questions of general interest that you would like to see addressed at the membership meeting can be sent to meetingquestions@osaunion.org no later than October 5th.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - September 25, 2023

OSA Newsline - September 18, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

Last week, Mayor Adams demanded a 5% cut by all agencies due to the financial burden caused by immigrants arriving in New York City. Members have been calling asking if the mayor's financial problems will endanger our receipt of the expected raises for the period. No, not to worry.

If the refugee problem gets far worse, New York City will have to adapt in many ways, but abandoning pattern bargaining is not likely to occur. Even during the 1975 fiscal crisis, the City chose massive layoffs and dramatic service cuts to avoid bankruptcy.

Yet, the City did maintain pattern bargaining. Our raises were delayed at that time due to the City's insolvency, but they were finally paid to us all.

Meanwhile, we are quite impatient with the City over the current bargaining. We are ready to settle. We have been ready to settle since the early Summer and the City's delay is becoming quite intolerable.

On a different note, there will be a march at 12 noon this Sunday of workers calling attention to climate change. They will gather at the Northeast Corner of 53rd St. and Broadway. It is supposed to be a sunny day.

For more information about the march, visit this link and this link.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - September 18, 2023

OSA Newsline - September 4, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

OSA will be marching in the New York City Labor Day Parade again this year. All members, along with their family and friends, are invited to join us on Saturday, September 9th. The union will assemble at 1030am on West 45th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues, closer to the corner of 7th Avenue. Look for the green and white OSA banner and a sea of green and white OSA t-shirts. We ask that anyone planning to join us please contact Isabel at the union office to RSVP. You can email her at igomez@osaunion.org. All those who participate are invited to join for a post-parade lunch.

OSA members working for the NYC Transit Authority had their contractual wage increases implemented this past week. All Transit members should have received the increased salary payments, and those eligible should have also received their increased longevity monies.

It has become apparent that several members did not receive the increased longevity payments. If you work for the Transit Authority and did not receive the increased longevity payments in the August 18th paycheck, or if you are unsure, please call the union's grievance department to resolve. Labor Relations is already working to correct the issue on behalf of those members that have already contacted us.

The retroactive wage increase payments for OSA Transit employees is scheduled to be paid on October 12th. The HR Compensation unit will send an email to all regarding the Deferred Compensation options in advance of the retroactive payment.

OSA citywide contract negotiations are ongoing. The bargaining team continues to make progress and the back and forth communications with the Mayor's office have been frequent and consistent, even during these last two weeks of August. We remain hopeful that the agreement can be reached without any extensive delays.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - September 4, 2023