The union held its November general membership meeting on November 30, 2023, virtually on Zoom. You can watch the video of the meeting in the player below. The main topic of discussion on the agenda was an update on the progress of collective bargaining on the main unit agreement which covers the vast majority of OSA members.

The update featured the news that the union, having filed for impasse against the City due to the Office of Management and Budget's intransigence in negotiations, had moved into the mediation and fact-finding phase of the impasse process. Union leadership and legal staff reported significant process toward an agreement, perhaps bypassing the need to move on to binding arbitration.

Also on the agenda was information about the upcoming union holiday party on December 14, 2023 at Terrace on the Park in Flushing Meadows, Queens and a discussion of the status of retiree health benefits, which have been a major point of contention over the past several years.