
OSA Newsline - November 27, 2023

Ukraine still lives. We are also pleased by the hostage exchange in the Middle East.

Our union chose to end negotiations and to go to impasse at the start of October. We did so because we had become frustrated by the pace of negotiations and we do need to conclude these negotiations.

The City is holding up discussions of work from home and alternate work schedules until the contract is signed.

That's wrong.

The City is also penalizing members' right to retire by tying the $3,000 contract bonus to the contract signing.

That's wrong.

The City is also, in a time of inflation, holding up the raises from 2021, 2022 and 2023 for a total of 9%, until we sign the contract.

That's normal, except that they held up our last contract for over four years by stalling negotiations. We will not let that happen again.

So, we went to impasse. It, too, takes a while, but at least once done there is an end to the matter.

Our first mediation session is set for this Monday, November 27th.

That's good.

Our general membership meeting is set for this Thursday, on Zoom. See you there (sort of).

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 27, 2023

OSA Newsline - November 20, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ukraine still lives. We also recognize that the world is facing many tragedies, and we carry those concerns heavy in our hearts. Our thoughts are with those affected by the global crises.

Our contract remains at Impasse due to the NYC Office of Management & Budget (OMB) refusing to approve any agreement that does not include OSA members paying for discretionary raises dating back to 2021. As a reminder, OMB continues to demand in 2023 that our welfare fund monies be spent reimbursing the City for voluntary raises given by certain agencies, to certain people, chosen by them, in 2021. Naturally, the union refused to allow OMB to take money away from our health benefits to finance their whimsical expenses - and now we are at Impasse, with the initial mediation process ongoing.

We all share a sense of frustration and urgency. The filing for Impasse was not a decision made lightly, but it was the necessary step to break through this deadlock and move towards a resolution. Following the Impasse filing, one of the initial steps is engaging in mediation.

Mediation involves a neutral third party who assists in facilitating discussions between the union, the employer and any other necessary parties. We are currently in the mediation process, with the NYC Office of Collective Bargaining (OCB) overseeing the proceedings. Over the past two weeks, our bargaining team has maintained continuous communication with OCB, working tirelessly to find a resolution. OCB has further engaged in multiple conferences with the Mayor's Office of Labor Relations (OLR) and is now exploring the possibility of involving OMB in these efforts.

Our members' concerns and needs continue to be front and center in every conversation. The immediate need for the wage increases and telework opportunities cannot be overstated. OCB and OLR are well aware of our desire to finalize the agreement now - and the union stands committed to navigating this process with diligence and empathy, as we do everything in our power to move past this impasse and secure the contract the members deserve.

We will continue to keep you informed and advocate for the best possible outcome for all members.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 20, 2023

OSA Newsline - November 13, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

We also recognize the profound and heartbreaking tragedies that are befalling individuals and communities around the world. Our hearts go out to those affected.

We received a job posting for a temporary 6-month ASA position at the Department of Youth and Community Development for those on the current ASA list. You can read the job posting at the link below:

Temporary ASA Auditor Coordinator Position

Your permanent title should be placed on leave by your agency while you transfer to this temporary position, and you should be returned to your permanent title after it is over.

Please make sure your agency places your permanent title on leave while you are out of the agency. If they are not willing to do that, do not take this position.

On the negotiating front, the Board of Collective Bargaining person assigned to arrange mediation is working to expedite the issue of our stalled contract.

Mail has gone out, and is already posted on this website as the November OSA Newsletter, explaining what is going on.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 13, 2023

OSA Newsline - November 6, 2023

Ukraine still lives - and we recognize all the heartbreaking tragedies around the globe.

The OSA main unit agreement negotiations are currently at Impasse. Members of our bargaining team have held numerous telephone conferences with the Office of Collective Bargaining over the past week, and we're committed to pushing forward. We continue to make every effort to reach an agreement swiftly, as we eagerly anticipate the ratification of this contract, the fulfillment of our wage increases and, finally, our participation in the telework pilot.

Meanwhile, we have some good news to report. Our Welfare Fund Trustees met last week and voted to improve our vision benefits. As of March 1st, our members will be able to choose either Davis Vision, our long time provider, or General Vision Services, a brand new provider for us. This change addresses any recent disappointment experienced with Davis Vision, as it provides every member with an alternative option. And, this change will expand the range of available services, offering our members a wider selection of services to choose from, which is also a positive development.

The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development is currently seeking to fill the position of Capacity Building Specialist. They have requested that we share this job opportunity with permanent Administrative Staff Analysts and individuals with equivalent titles. If you are interested in this position, you can access the job posting at the following link: Capacity Building Specialist

Finally, the OSA Holiday Party is scheduled for Thursday, December 14th at Terrace on the Park in Flushing Meadows. All members will be receiving an informational flyer in the next union mailing.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - November 6, 2023