
OSA Newsline - May 30, 2022

During the summer months, things slow down and we go to a bi-weekly schedule of newsline updates. Check back on this page the week starting Monday, June 13th. Of course, if anything urgent occurs in the meantime, we will update the hotline and this newsline page.

Ukraine still lives.

John Mazzarella reports that there may be an increase in drug costs for FY' 2023. The proposed increase could hit as early as July 1st of this year, but this is only a proposal so far.

If it does hit, it will be due to both the current weakness of the Health Stabilization Fund and the recent and current costs added by COVID.

Any such increases in drug premiums paid will be most unwelcome, for sure. Nonetheless, we are being warned that GHI will be seeking an increase and it may occur.

Our health benefit technicians will continue to monitor this issue.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - May 30, 2022

OSA Newsline - May 23, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Last week's General Membership meeting was on Zoom. It went off quite well due to Zoom Masters Rob Spencer and Megan Wofsy. At the peak, 160 members were in attendance.

The topics covered went from the bad news of the closing down of the Covid Test and Trace operation at NYC Health + Hospitals to some generally quite good news. This news related to three contracts affecting separate units of OSA members at Transit, Education and the Uniformed Police. All are nearing completion.

The meeting went well, but, in-person meetings just seem to feel better. Ah well, Covid still reigns

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - May 23, 2022

OSA Newsline - May 16, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Currently, a registration email is going out to all members and retirees for whom we have personal email addresses (which is not everyone), providing information about next Thursday's general membership meeting, which will be held virtually on Zoom, rather than in-person.

When you receive the registration email, complete the requested information and submit it. You will then receive a second email with log-in information for the meeting. Please note that attendance is capped at 500 people so, if you do register, please be sure to sign in to the meeting a little early on Thursday evening.

If you don't receive the registration email by Monday evening, but believe you should have, please send an email to meetingquestions@osaunion.org no later than Wednesday, May 18th and ask us to send you the registration email again. You can also send any questions you'd like to have answered at the meeting to the same email address no later than Wednesday.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - May 16, 2022

OSA Newsline - May 9, 2022

The slow increase in cases of COVID has tilted the union against our long desired in-person meeting. Instead, members can look forward to being contacted by email for a Zoom meeting on May 19th.

Our technical folks say that this is not a big problem. There will probably be more details on next week's newsline.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - May 9, 2022

OSA Newsline - May 2, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Yesterday was May 1st, May Day, the day considered as International Workers’ Day. On May Day of 2022 we note that the first workers at Amazon have been unionized this year and the first workers at Starbucks as well. 2022 may turn out to be a good year.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - May 2, 2022