
OSA Newsline - July 25, 2022

Some bits of good news this summer. We completed negotiations on two of our smaller unit contracts. Our members at the Department of Education and our uniformed members at the Police Department have been sent mail ballots so that they can approve or reject the proposed settlements. Approval is expected in both cases.

Our one remaining outstanding contract, at the Transit Authority, has made good progress, but negotiations are not yet complete. The negotiating team has done well, but believes that there is one more crucial issue to settle.

There will be a virtual meeting of that chapter this evening (7/25/22).

Also, a date has been set for this year's Labor Day Parade, Saturday, September 10th. We usually assemble near Grand Central Terminal in the morning and do our brief walk early in the afternoon. It's a proud day and we gather for an afternoon lunch after our walk.

Set the time aside and join us for a really nice day. Bring the kids, if you have 'em.

Please check this page again in two weeks.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - July 25, 2022

OSA Newsline - July 11, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Our Welfare Fund provides $50,000 life insurance coverage for our active members and $5,000 for retirees. Our costs were low until this past March 1st. Due to our losses from COVID, Metropolitan Life required a 58% increase in premium to continue coverage. We paid it, but sought a better price elsewhere.

It took a while but, as of this September, we will switch to the Lincoln Insurance Company at a significantly lower premium. Details will follow in the mail.

This can sound uninteresting but, if our Welfare Fund trustees were not always seeking the best deal possible for us, they would not be doing their jobs.

Please check this page again in two weeks.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - July 11, 2022