
OSA Newsline - January 29, 2024

The general wage increases and retroactive monies stemming from our main unit agreement will be disbursed to all members employed by mayoral agencies on May 10, 2024. The ratification bonus of $3000 will be paid to all eligible members at the mayoral agencies, one pay period earlier, on April 26, 2024.

For those members employed by the New York City Housing Authority, the date for the general wage increases and retroactive payments will be May 16, 2024; and the ratification bonus will be paid to those members at the New York City Housing Authority on May 2, 2024.

In order to receive the $3000 bonus, individuals must have been on active payroll as of the contract ratification date of January 22, 2024.

We are still waiting on payment dates for members employed by New York City Health + Hospitals and the Department of Education. We will share the information as soon as it becomes available.

Similarly, we will provide the information for those members that wish to make changes to their Deferred Compensation Plan deduction rates ahead of the aforementioned pay dates, as soon as the instructions are available.

Several agencies have already implemented telework for OSA members, other agencies announced they will be starting next week, while others agencies will take considerably longer. The agencies that have already confirmed their planned participation include:

  • Administration For Children's Services (ACS), the Business Integrity Commission (BIC), Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA),

  • Department of City Planning (DCP), Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), Department of Design and Construction (DDC),Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Department For The Aging (DFTA),

  • Department of Homeless Services/Department of Social Services (DHS/DSS), Department of Buildings (DOB), Department of Corrections (DOC), Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH),

  • Department of Investigation (DOI), Department of Records and Information Services (DORIS), Department of Sanitation (DOS), Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD),

  • Department of Veterans Services (DVS), Mayor's Office of Equity an Racial Justice (EQUITY), the Fire Department (FDNY), Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), the Law Department (LAW),

  • the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC), the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH), Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI), The Parks Department (PARKS),

  • Small Business Services (SBS), and the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)

    We will remain in communication with these agencies and those not mentioned. We are scheduled to meet with the New York City Housing Authority later this month, to discuss their telework initiative.

    Our next bargaining date with the New York City Transit Authority is scheduled for February 13th. We have another bargaining session scheduled for our Public Advocate unit on February 23rd. And members of both our NYPD School Safety/Traffic Enforcement Unit and our Department of Education unit, have been asked to submit their contract demands to the union, as bargaining for those two groups is planned to commence shortly.

    If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

    AUDIO - January 29, 2024

  • OSA Newsline - January 22, 2024

    The union successfully completed the ballot count today for the Main Unit agreement covering September 2021 to March 2027. There were 2698 yes votes, 11 no votes and 4 ballots that were returned without a vote marked and we consider those folks to have abstained.

    There were 12 ballots that were set aside and not counted due to various defects, including ballots returned in unnumbered envelopes and mail returned as undeliverable.

    The contract has been overwhelmingly approved. We are pleased that more than 57% of eligible voters took the time to cast a ballot. Thanks again to the bargaining team and all of the members who participated in the process.

    The union has now officially notified The Office of Labor Relations of the contract ratification. We have requested clarification on anticipated implementation dates for the general wage increase, ratification bonus, and retroactive wage payment. We have also asked them to provide instructions for shifting retro monies into the City's Deferred Compensation Plan, if desired, to help reduce your 2024 taxes.

    OSA has reached out to the various agencies requesting their existing telework policies and guidelines which the union will be reviewing. Now that the contract has been ratified, OLR must notify each agency that OSA members are covered for telework and await a list of OSA-represented employees who are eligible to participate in the pilot program.

    In other bargaining news, Transit Authority negotiations continue in February and a request for demands and member input has gone out to our Department of Education members and our Uniformed Forces Unit at the NYPD. We look forward to assembling the demands and beginning bargaining as soon as possible.

    Finally, the general membership meeting originally scheduled for January 25th has been postponed until February to give us time to gather more information on contract implementation to report at the meeting. Look for an email with a registration link a week before the meeting date, once it is announced.

    If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

    AUDIO - January 22, 2024

    OSA Newsline - January 15, 2024

    January 15th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

    All ballots for the ratification of the OSA main unit agreement must be delivered to the union office, no later than this Friday, January 19th. Members have the option to either send their filled-out ballots in the return envelopes by mail or personally deliver them to the union office located at 220 East 23rd Street, 7th floor between 8:30am and 5pm. Remember that the union office is closed on Monday for the holiday.

    Union members and activists will participate in the ballot counting on Monday, January 22nd. Shortly thereafter, the ratification results will be announced on this newsline. All pertinent dates pertaining to the implementation of the contract will be announced as soon as they become available.

    The union received an unfavorable decision in an Article 78 petition filed on behalf of our Supervisor of Traffic Device Maintainers title at the Department of Transportation. The City, without providing a valid rationale, revoked the physically taxing status of these members in the NYCERS retirement system, a move that the court has now upheld. We intend to appeal this decision.

    The OSA bargaining team held its first session, in this round of negotiations, for members at the New York City Transit Authority, and the second session is scheduled for February 13th.

    If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

    AUDIO - January 15, 2024

    OSA Newsline - January 8, 2024

    All ballots for the ratification of the main unit agreement must be received at the union office no later than Friday, January 19th. Members can either mail their completed ballots using the provided return envelopes or drop them off in person at the union office located at 220 East 23rd Street, 7th floor. If you require a replacement ballot, please contact Sheila at the union office immediately.

    The specific dates for the payment of retroactive monies, ratification bonuses, and the upcoming wage increases are yet to be determined. Rest assured, we will promptly share this information as soon as it becomes available. Instructions and deadlines regarding designating these funds as Deferred Compensation Plan deductions will also be communicated once they become available.

    Telework opportunities under the new agreement will be implemented by participating agencies, each with its own unique timeline. We will keep you informed as details emerge.

    For individuals approaching retirement, please note that those on terminal leave are ineligible for the ratification bonus. If you are currently on terminal leave, or if you will be on terminal leave starting later this month, you have the option to request reinstatement before the upcoming contract ratification date, if your agency approves this request. Should you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call the union office.

    If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

    AUDIO - January 8, 2024

    OSA Newsline - January 1, 2024

    Happy New Year! Ukraine still Lives.

    All members covered by the OSA main unit agreement should have received the contract and ratification ballots already at their home mailing address. If you have not already received your ballot, please call Sheila at the union office immediately. All ballots must be returned to, and received by, the union office no later than January 19th to be counted. We will share all relevant dates, including when the City will pay the retroactive monies, the ratification bonus, and the upcoming wage increases as soon as we have that information.

    The next OSA general membership meeting will be held on Thursday, January 25 at 6pm. Please look out for the upcoming union email with registration details.

    If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

    AUDIO - January 1, 2024