
OSA Newsline - February 26, 2024

The OSA General Membership meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, February 29 at 6pm. The meeting will be held live on Zoom and a recording will be posted onto the OSA website for those who cannot attend live.

On the agenda are pivotal discussions regarding the OSA main unit agreement contract implementation, the ongoing negotiations covering those members falling outside the main unit agreement and various other significant topics. We encourage all members to attend and look forward to another productive meeting.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 26, 2024

OSA Newsline - February 19, 2024

As a reminder, all members working at a mayoral agency can expect to receive their wage increases, retroactive monies and ratification bonus on the April 26th pay date. We have also now been advised that members working for New York City Health + Hospitals should receive their $3,000 ratification bonus on March 1st. Health + Hospitals has not yet specified the pay dates for wage increases and retroactive monies, but we anticipate an update with those specific dates shortly.

For those employees wishing to contribute bonus and/or retroactive monies into the NYC Deferred Compensation Plan, the deadline to enroll, or to effect a change, in time for the April 26th pay date, is April 11th. The relevant instructions to enroll, or modify contributions, are posted below:

Mayoral Agency Deferred Compensation Plan Instructions

The following has been amended to reflect a change in payment dates for NYCHA received by the union on 4/2/24.

For members working for the New York City Housing Authority, the deadlines to change or enroll in the Deferred Compensation Plan are April 3rd for the April 18 bonus, and April 17th for the May 2nd retroactive payments. Specific instructions for NYCHA are available in the flyer below. HOWEVER, please note that the deadlines have now been moved up by a pay period as noted here (4/3 for the 4/18 bonus and 4/17 for the 5/2 retro payment).

New York City Housing Authority Deferred Compensation Plan Instructions

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 19, 2024

OSA Newsline - February 12, 2024

Today is Lincoln's Birthday and the union is closed to mark the occasion as it has been every year of its history. Back in Mayor Koch's time, the holiday was traded for a floating holiday and, still later, the floating holiday was eliminated for those who joined the City's workforce in 2004 and after. However, OSA continues to honor President Lincoln's memory.

Due to room capacity limitations, in-person RSVPs for the DSS/OSA chapter meeting scheduled for this Thursday, February 15th, are now closed. Members may still RSVP to join by Zoom.

Regarding the status of remote work, many OSA members are finally being afforded telework opportunities. During this initial roll out, each individual agency is accountable for submitting their internal policies and a list of eligible individuals to the Mayor's Office of Labor Relations (OLR). While many agencies have successfully completed this task, there are still several outstanding. Once OLR reviews and approves the submissions, the documents are submitted to the union for review. The union will likely have questions for the agency and, in general, will approve the roll out. Following this, the agency determines a start date. It is important to know that each agency operates on its own timeline, with some already participating and others planning their rollout for this spring. Similarly, telework rules differ between agencies; for example some permit up to two days remotely per week, while others limit it to one day. And still some are choosing not to participate at all. The union remains committed to collaborating with OLR and the agencies to expand telework opportunities.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 12, 2024

OSA Newsline - February 5, 2024

The payment implementation dates for our 2021-2027 agreement have changed slightly since they were announced last week. Fortunately, the update results in the acceleration of certain payments, allowing members to receive them earlier than previously indicated. The general wage increases, the retroactive monies and the ratification bonus will be paid to members employed by the mayoral agencies on April 26, 2024.

For members employed by the New York City Housing Authority, the dates remain as announced, with the ratification bonus to be paid on May 2, and the general wage increases and retroactive payments being disbursed on May 16, 2024.

We are still waiting for details on the pay dates for members employed by New York City Health + Hospitals and the Department of Education.

This past week, there was a well attended OSA chapter meeting at the Department of Sanitation and, next week, we look forward to meeting with members at the Department of Social Services at their chapter meeting.

Last week was also the final session for this round of OSA Delegate/Activist training. Congratulations to all the graduates.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 5, 2024