
OSA Newsline - February 27, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

A mailing will be going out to solicit bargaining demands next week. The City is concluding with DC37 and we have already put in our request to bargain.

The City will, unfortunately, have many unions all asking to bargain at once, so we will have to be patient. Still, it was good that the pattern was set so we can start.

A number of members called in, pleased to learn the details that we posted in the video last week relating to the Superimposed Major Medical benefit. At least one member requested that we leave the video up again this week and again link it to the web version of the Newsline.

It shall be done.

The Municipal Labor Committee will be meeting next Thursday on the proposed Aetna plan for Medicare Advantage. We will pay close attention to the information provided.

Again, you can view a video describing our union's Superimposed Major Medical benefit. The video was made for a prior organizing drive we won a few years back. However, it describes a great benefit that many members do not even know they have. Check out the video and tell your coworkers as well. It is a good idea to know what we do have.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 27, 2023

OSA Newsline - February 20, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

DC 37 has tentatively settled on a five-year, five-month contract. If approved, that contract would become the pattern contract for the period of 2021 through 2026. The contract provides a 3% raise yearly with 3.25% on the final year of the contract. There is also a $3,000 signing bonus.

Since DC 37 may now have set the general wage pattern, OSA will proceed to demand to bargain with the City. We will also send out a request to our members for bargaining demands.

The City will take a while to agree to meeting with us, but there is no reason for us to delay our preparations.

Members who are spending their raise (in their heads) already should slow down as the City has never been known to move quickly on raises.

A copy of the City's press release is posted at this link:

City's Press Release On Tentative Contract With DC 37

Meanwhile, while looking forward to future benefits, members are also asked to consider a present benefit that they already have.

Below, you can view a video describing our union's Superimposed Major Medical benefit. The video was made for a prior organizing drive we won a few years back. However, it describes a great benefit that many members do not even know they have. Check out the video and tell your coworkers as well. It is a good idea to know what we do have while we are awaiting our next gain.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 20, 2023

OSA Newsline - February 13, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

We have two bits of good news this week. First, we now represent a new group of workers at NYC Health + Hospitals. The title series is Infection Control Preventionist Levels I, II, and III and a more noble title is hard to imagine.

The decision just happened, so we have not yet had a chance to meet with our new brothers and sisters, but we will and soon, we hope.

The second bit of good news is just hope entirely. SSEU Local 371 is putting forward strong demands as part of DC37's bargaining. Not only are they asking for hybrid work schedules, but they also want a return of the lost floating holiday.

Going back a bit, Ed Koch insisted we give up Lincoln's birthday in return for a floating holiday and, then, recent contracts gave up the floating holiday for new hires. Well, we want Lincoln's birthday back as a holiday.

In fact, OSA has never agreed to the loss of Lincoln's Birthday as a holiday and, to this day, Monday, February 13, 2023 our office is closed on the day.

The actual birthday is on the 12th, but as it fell on a Sunday this year, we closed the office on Monday. We would love it if we were all off on the 12th for next year.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 13, 2023

OSA Newsline - February 6, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

Our union contract with DavisVision is up for renewal. Davis is the optical services provider for our Welfare Fund. At our last general membership meeting a number of members expressed dissatisfaction with Davis providers.

Our Welfare Fund Trustees would very much like to know if other members have had positive or negative experiences with getting eyeglasses or contacts from Davis providers. Please send us an email to meetingquestions@osaunion.org. If you prefer to send regular mail, send to OSA, 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 707, New York NY 10010, attention Megan Wofsy.

We are quite interested in your experiences with our vision provider and we would like to know about them before we meet with Davis. p>If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - February 6, 2023