
OSA Newsline - December 29, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

This Newsline was delayed due to the union election. There has been no mention of the election on the union Newsline for the past many weeks because the one mention of it sparked an election protest by the Biggs slate.

Even so, both sides were probably disappointed at the relatively low number of votes cast. More than Forty-six hundred ballots were sent out with less than twelve hundred returned.

The Croghan slate won with votes in the 700's and the Biggs slate getting in the 400's. Exact numbers are posted at the link below:

Union Election Results

On behalf of the Croghan slate, I wish to express our gratitude to all who did vote, no matter who they chose to vote for.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - December 29, 2022

OSA Newsline - December 23, 2022

Wishing all OSA members and retirees a happy holiday season and a healthy new year!

OSA Newsline - December 19, 2022

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

Ukraine still lives.

There was a decision issued by an arbitrator regarding ongoing health matters. This relates to a 2018 Citywide Health Agreement that envisioned our Medicare-eligible retirees going with a Medicare Advantage plan. That has not happened, and the arbitrator has now ordered the City and the unions to negotiate appropriate terms with the Aetna Company within the next 25 days.

If the unions do not accept the final plan offered by Aetna, the arbitrator indicates that he will make a ruling about a potential health care premium to be paid by active employees and pre-age-65 retirees.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - December 19, 2022

OSA Newsline - December 12, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Members have been calling about our Holiday Party and, of course, there is none this year.

We had planned on holding the party and even sent out mail to that effect in September. However, by October, a series of COVID cases occurred in the union office. We had one case after another. By the ninth case, the union leadership regretfully concluded that a cancellation of the party was needed.

This meant we have sent out a letter expressing our regret plus refund checks to those who enclosed money orders.

Next year, maybe, please, we hope we will have that party.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - December 12, 2022

OSA Newsline - December 5, 2022

Ukraine still lives.

Negotiations have started with DC37, sort of. As of today we have a report from Henry Garrido regarding the preliminary talks.

The City, according to the DC37 Executive Director, is not signaling that it is open to expanding work from home.

This is not good news, but negotiations are just beginning. There is no doubt that the recent pandemic did show that much can be accomplished by remote work and it is clear that a great many of the unions are strongly supporting some sort of codified remote work wherever reasonable.

This is a topic we will follow closely.

If you would like to listen to this newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - December 5, 2022