
OSA Newsline - August 14, 2023

Ukraine still lives.

On Medicare Advantage, in the case brought by certain retirees challenging its implementation, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank has ruled that the City cannot make the Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan the only premium-free option and must continue providing retirees with traditional Medicare. This decision allows the City to move forward with an appeal and we understand they intend to do so. We will update as this story continues.

The OSA Citywide contract remains the topic of ongoing conversations between the Union and the Mayor's office. At present, we are waiting on the Mayor's Office of Labor Relations to produce final numbers & dates that will go into our agreement. There is no intention to schedule additional bargaining sessions, as neither side deems them necessary to complete the deal.

Once the outstanding numbers are produced, and we have received and vetted the written agreement, it will be distributed to the membership for ratification. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an indication as to when this will be.

For our Transit Authority unit members, please be aware that the effective date for wage increases is now set for August 31, 2023.

A reminder that this newsline is on its summer schedule, with updates coming every two weeks, or as necessary.

Please check back in two weeks.

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AUDIO - August 14, 2023