OSA Newsline -- August 13, 2019

We are a bit late on this newsline because we are considerably more active than usual this summer. Not only have we been providing training seven days a week at the office, but we are also involved in a very important collective bargaining election against DC37.

The training has gone well and we will have to await the vote counting to report on the election.

Contract negotiations, as predicted last June, have gone nowhere since the City has not scheduled a single meeting in July or August. We expect negotiations to resume in the fall and hopefully to go quickly thereafter.

Meanwhile, we do have a couple of victories being won in areas affecting a few score of our members. Unfortunately, neither of these settlements is final yet.

Nonetheless, our legal team seems to be doing a really good job and that needs to be mentioned.

Please check back after August 26th.

If you would like to listen to this week's newsline as an audio file, please click on this link:

AUDIO - August 13, 2019