Citywide Contract and Unit Agreements

The Citywide Contract
For the Contract Period July 1, 2001 to December 31, 2021

The Citywide agreement governs the general working conditions of OSA members and non-economic questions, such as personnel and pay practices, holidays, annual leave, overtime and meal allowances. The Citywide Contract covers all of the mayoral agencies, New York City Health + Hospitals, the offices of the Borough Presidents, the Comptroller and the District Attorneys. The Transit Authority and Board of Education are not covered by the Citywide agreement. The New York City Housing Authority similarly selectively elects to be covered by elements of the Citywide. Please note: If you downloaded or consulted the pdf of the Citywide between 2-10-22 (the day the agreement was first distributed and posted) and 2-17-22, the version posted here should be used instead as it replaces that earlier document.

To download a copy of the current Citywide Agreement, please click here. The contract is a PDF file. You will need Adobe Reader to be able to view the file. You can download the program from the Adobe site

The Memorandum of Agreement for the Main City Unit
Between the Organization of Staff Analysts and the City of New York
For the Contract Period September 6, 2021 to March 5, 2027

The Memorandum of Agreement was ratified by OSA members in January 2024 and covers those in the union's main unit. Members in the Housing Authority, Transit Authority, Department of Education and several titles in the NYC Police Department in OSA's Uniform Unit are covered by separate contracts, although Housing Authority members will receive the financial aspects of this agreement.

You can download a copy of the 2021-27 Memorandum of Agreement here in PDF format:

OSA Memorandum of Agreement 2021-2027

The Memorandum of Agreement for the Main City Unit
Between the Organization of Staff Analysts and the City of New York
For the Contract Period August 25, 2017 to September 5, 2021

The Memorandum of Agreement was ratified by OSA members and covers those in the union's main unit. Members in the Housing Authority, Transit Authority, Department of Education and several titles in the NYC Police Department in OSA's Uniform Unit are covered by separate contracts, although Housing Authority members will receive the financial aspects of this agreement.

You can download a copy of the 2017-21 Memorandum of Agreement here in PDF format:

OSA Memorandum of Agreement 2017-2021

The Memorandum of Agreement for the Main City Unit
Between the Organization of Staff Analysts and the City of New York
For the Contract Period August 25, 2010 to August 24, 2017

The Memorandum of Agreement was ratified by OSA members on October 19, 2015 and covers those in the union's main unit. Members in the Housing Authority, Transit Authority, Department of Education and several titles in the NYC Police Department in OSA's Uniform Unit are covered by separate contracts, but Housing Authority members are subject to the financial aspects of this agreement.

You can download a copy of the 2010-17 Memorandum of Agreement here in PDF format:

OSA Memorandum of Agreement 2010-2017

The Local Unit Agreement
Between the Organization of Staff Analysts and the City of New York
For the Contract Period August 25, 2008 to August 24, 2010

The local unit agreement covers economic issues specific to OSA-represented bargaining units, as well as the steps of the grievance process, annual leave, longevities and other matters.

The current local unit agreement covers the contract period from August 25, 2008 to August 24, 2010 for most OSA members (except those in the TA and our members in the uniformed forces). You can download a copy of the main local unit agreement, as well as the the previous two local unit agreements here in PDF format:

OSA Local Unit Agreement 2008 to 2010

OSA Local Unit Agreement 2006 to 2008

OSA Local Unit Agreement 2005 to 2006

Other Local Unit Agreements - Uniformed Forces, DOE, NYC Transit Authority, NYC Housing Authority

Certain titles represented by OSA fall under the separate local unit agreements for our members in the uniformed forces -- Administrative School Security Manager Level I, Associate Supervisor of School Security, and Administrative Traffic Enforcement Agents Levels I, II and III. You may download the local unit agreements for those titles here:

OSA Local Unit Agreement for Members in the Uniformed Forces, 2002 to 2008.

OSA Local Unit Agreement MOU For Members in the Uniformed Forces, 2008 to 2018

OSA Local Unit Agreement MOU For Members in the Uniformed Forces, 2018 to 2022

Our titles in the Transit Authority are covered by a separate unit agreement. The most recent agreements for our TA members can be found here:

Transit Authority MOU 2002 to 2005

Transit Authority MOU 2005 to 2006

Transit Authority MOU 2006 to 2008

Transit Authority MOU 2009 to 2010

Transit Authority MOU 2010 to 2017

Transit Authority MOU 2017 to 2021

Our titles in the Department of Education are covered by a separate unit agreement. The most recent agreement for our DOE members can be found here:

Department of Education Memorandum of Agreement 2017 to 2021

Our titles in the New York City Housing Authority are covered by a separate unit agreement. The most recent agreement for our NYCHA members can be found at the link below. The terms of this contract remain in effect, despite the length of time since the expiration date of the agreement. OSA has sought several times in the ensuing years to negotiate a new unit agreement with NYCHA without success. In the meantime, economic aspects of the main unit agreement, such as raises and longevities apply to our titles at the Housing Authority.

New York City Housing Authority Unit Agreement

In addition, we post here the NYCHA Human Resources Manual (2022 Edition) which applies to our members at the agency:

NYCHA Human Resources Manual

Represented Titles, Title Codes and Salary Levels

Click on the links below for a list of titles represented by OSA and their salaries. Where Minimum Hiring Rate is blank, it is the same as the Minimum Incumbent Rate.

OSA Represented Titles - Salary Chart (2019-21)

OSA Represented Titles - Salary Chart (2017-18)

OSA Represented Titles - Salary Chart (2010-17)

Click on the link below for a list of titles represented by OSA within the Transit Authority and their salaries.

OSA Represented Titles In The Transit Authority - Salary Chart (2017-21)

Grievance Procedure

All grievances must be presented in writing at all steps in the grievance procedure. For all (out-of-title) grievances... no monetary award shall in any event cover any period prior to the date of the filing of the Step I grievance unless such grievance has been filed within thirty (30) days of the assignment to (that) alleged out-of-title work.

No monetary award for a grievance alleging a miscalculation of salary rate resulting in a payroll error of a continuing nature shall be issued unless such grievance has been filed within the time limitation set forth in Step I below for such grievances; if the grievance is so filed, any monetary award shall in any event cover only the period up to six years prior to the date of the filing of the grievance.

Step I: The employee and/or the Union shall present the grievance in the form of a memorandum to the person designated for such purpose by the agency head no later than 120 days after the date on which the grievance arose, except that grievances alleging a miscalculation of salary rate resulting in a payroll error of a continuing nature shall be presented no later than 120 days after the first date on which the grievant discovered the payroll error. The employee may also request an appointment to discuss the grievance and such request shall be granted. The person designated by the Employer to hear the grievance shall take any Steps necessary to a proper disposition of the grievance and shall issue a determination in writing by the end of the third work day following the date of submission.

NOTE: In the case of grievances in the Health and Hospitals Corporation (except those for disciplinary actions and for claimed improper holding of an open competitive rather than a promotional exam)... the following Step I(a) shall apply prior to Step II of this Section:

Step I(a): An appeal from an unsatisfactory determination at Step I shall be presented in writing to the person designated by the agency head for such purpose. The appeal must be made within five (5) working days of the receipt of the Step I determination. A copy of the grievance appeal shall be sent to the person who initially passed upon the grievance. The person designated to receive the appeal at this Step shall meet with the employee and/or the Union for review of the grievance and shall issue a determination to the employee and/or the Union by the end of the fifth work day following the day on which the appeal was filed.

Step II: An appeal from an unsatisfactory determination at Step I or Step I(a), where applicable, shall be presented in writing to the agency head or the agency head's designated representative who shall not be the same person designated in Step I or Step I(a). The appeal must be made within five (5) work days of the receipt of the Step I or Step I(a) determination. The agency head or designated representative, if any, shall meet with the employee and/or the Union for review of the grievance and shall issue a determination in writing by the end of the tenth work day following the date on which the appeal was filed.

Step III: An appeal from an unsatisfactory determination at Step II shall be presented by the employee and/or the Union to the Commissioner of Labor Relations in writing within ten (10) work days of the receipt of the Step II determination. The grievant or the Union should submit copies of the Step I and Step II grievance filings and any agency responses thereto. Copies of such appeal shall be sent to the agency head. The Commissioner of Labor Relations or the Commissioner's designee shall review all appeals from Step II determinations and shall issue a determination on such appeals within fifteen (15) work days following the date on which the appeal was filed.

Step IV: An appeal from an unsatisfactory determination at Step III may be brought solely by the Union to the Office of Collective Bargaining for impartial arbitration within fifteen (15) work days of receipt of the Step III determination. In addition, the Employer shall have the right to bring directly to arbitration any dispute between the parties concerning any matter defined herein as a "grievance." The Employer shall commence such arbitration by submitting a written request therefor to the Office of Collective Bargaining. A copy of the notice requesting impartial arbitration shall be forwarded to the opposing party. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Title 61 of the Rules of the City of New York. The costs and fees of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the Union and the Employer.

The arbitrator's decision, order or award (if any) shall be limited to the application and interpretation of the Agreement, and the arbitrator shall not add to, subtract from or modify the Agreement or any rule, regulation, written policy or order mentioned in (the first) Section of this Article. The arbitrator's award shall be final and binding and enforceable in any appropriate tribunal in accordance with Article 75 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. The arbitrator may provide for and direct such relief as the arbitrator deems necessary and proper, subject to the limitations set forth above and any applicable limitations of law.



Mayoral agencies shall maintain a Transfer and Reassignment Request File. Qualified employees wishing to transfer within an agency shall submit a written request identifying the position to which they seek to transfer. Employees shall receive receipts for voluntary transfer requests on a form prepared by the Union and approved by the City.

Prior to filling vacant positions through promotion, appointment or reassignment, the agency shall consult its Transfer and Reassignment Request File and give due consideration for transfer or reassignment to all qualified applicants, including consideration of their seniority, whose requests are contained in the File. To the extent practicable, the agency agrees that workers to be involuntarily transferred shall receive five (5) days' advance notice.

Notwithstanding any other provisions, the agency may limit the number of voluntary transfers for any employee to no more than one in any twelve (12) month period.

The reporting date of an employee selected for voluntary transfer shall not be unreasonably delayed.

The following personnel actions are not considered transfers:

Initial assignment of newly appointed employees after an initial period of training.

Reassignment of employees returning from unpaid leave of more than twenty-three (23) days.


Annual Leave

Effective July 1, 1991, an employee covered by this Agreement who, immediately prior to being appointed to a title or position covered by this Agreement, was not a City employee and/or was not covered by the Citywide Agreement, or was a City employee with a break in service of more than 31 days, shall accrue annual leave as follows:

beginning of the first year 18 days per annum
beginning of the fourth year 19 days per annum
beginning of the fifth year 20 days per annum
beginning of the eighth year 25 days per annum
beginning of the fifteenth year 27 days per annum

Effective July 1, 2004, an employee newly hired pursuant to Article III, Section 4 ("New Hires") of this 2002-2005 Staff Analysts Agreement shall accrue annual leave as follows:

beginning of the first year 17 days per annum
beginning of the second year 18 days per annum
beginning of the sixth year 19 days per annum
beginning of the ninth year 20 days per annum
beginning of the tenth year 21 days per annum
beginning of the eleventh year 22 days per annum
beginning of the twelfth year 23 days per annum
beginning of the fifteenth year 25 days per annum
beginning of the seventeenth year 27 days per annum


10, 15 and 20 Year Longevity Increments and Eligibility Rules

The effective dates and amounts for all longevities appear in the chart you can download at the link below:

OSA Longevities Chart

Ten, Fifteen, and Twenty Year Longevities: The following rules shall govern the eligibility of employees for the longevity increments provided for in... (this) agreement (and apply to all three longevity increments):

Only service in pay status shall be used to calculate the (longevity) years of service, except that for other than full time per annum employees only a continuous year of service in pay status shall be used to calculate the (longevity) years of service. A continuous year of service shall be a full year of service without a break of more than 31 days. Where the regular and customary work year for a title is less than a twelve month year such as a school year, such regular and customary year shall be credited as a continuous year of service counting towards the (longevity) years of service. If the normal work year for an employee is less than the regular and customary work year for the employee's title, it shall be counted as a continuous year of service if the employee has customarily worked that length of work year and the applicable agency verifies that information.

Service in pay status prior to any breaks in service of more than one year shall not be used to calculate the (longevity) years of service. Where an employee has less than seven years of continuous service in pay status, breaks in service of less than one year shall be aggregated. Where breaks in service aggregate to more than one year they shall be treated as a break in service of more than one year and the service prior to such breaks and the aggregated breaks shall not be used to calculate the (longevity) years of service. No break used to disqualify service shall be used more than once.

The following time in which an employee is not in pay status shall not constitute a break in service...

a. time on a leave approved by the proper authority which is consistent with the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of New York or the appropriate personnel authority of a covered organization.

b. time prior to reinstatement.

c. time on a preferred list pursuant to Civil Service Law Sections 80 and 81 or any similar contractual provision.

d. time not in pay status of 31 days or less.

Notwithstanding the above, such time as specified in (a), (b), and (c) above shall not be used to calculate the (longevity) years of service.

Once an employee has completed the... years of "City" service in pay status and is eligible to receive the respective longevity increment, the increment shall become part of the employee's base rate for all purposes except as provided... below.

Ten and Fifteen Year Longevity: The respective longevity increment shall not become pensionable until 15 months after the employee becomes eligible to receive such increment. Fifteen months after the employee becomes eligible to receive the longevity increment, such longevity increment shall become pensionable, and as part of the employee's base rate, shall be subject to the general increase provided in... this agreement.

Twenty Year Longevity: The service increment shall not become pensionable until two years after the employee becomes eligible to receive such employee becomes eligible for payment at the beginning of the quarter immediately following the appropriate anniversary date (January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1). There is no pro-ration or retroactive payment for the time between the actual anniversary date and the beginning of the quarter.

Rules for longevities for our TA members are slightly different. All three longevities - 10, 15 and 20 year - are immediately part of base pay and subject to later raises. They become pensionable 15 months after an employee becomes eligible to receive the particular longevity increment.

The following are the longevity rules for our TA members:

a. Only service in pay status shall be used to calculate the 10, 15 and 20 years of service. A continuous year of service shall be a full year of service without a break for more than 31 days.

b. Service in pay status prior to any breaks in service of more than one (1) year shall not be used to calculate the 10, 15 and 20 years of service.

c. The following time in which an employee is not in pay status shall not constitute a break in service:

  • 1. time on an approved leave of absence;
  • 2. time not in pay status of 31 days or less;
  • 3. time prior to reinstatement;
  • 4. time on a preferred list pursuant to Civil Service Law �80 and 81 or any other similar contract provision.
  • d. Once the employee has completed the 10, 15 or 20 years of service in pay status and is eligible to receive the longevity payment, the longevity payment shall become part of the employee's base wage rate for all purposes.

    e. The respective longevity payment shall not become pensionable until fifteen (15) months after the employee becomes eligible to receive such payment. Such payment shall be made on a pro-rated, bi-weekly basis.

    f. For purposes of longevity increments, employees who have service either with the City of New York, Manhattan and Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority or the New York City Transit Authority, such service will count toward their eligibility, subject to items (a) through (c) of this paragraph.

    Rules for longevities for our uniformed forces members. Only service in pay status shall be used to calculate the 10 and 15 years of service, except that for other than full time per annum employees only a continuous year of service in pay status shall be used to calculate the 10 and 15 years of service. A continuous year of service shall be a full year of service without a break of more than 31 days. Where the regular and customary work year for a title is less than a 12 month year, such as a school year, such regular and customary year shall be credited as a continuous year of service counting towards the 10 and 15 years of service. If the normal work year for an employee is less than the regular and customary work year for the employee's title, it shall be counted as a continuous year of service if the employee has customarily worked that length of work year and the applicable agency verifies that information.

    Service in pay status prior to any breaks in service of more than one year shall not be used to calculate the 10 and 15 years of service. Where an employee has less than 7 years of continuous service in pay status, breaks in service of less than one year shall be aggregated. Where breaks in service aggregate to more than one year, they shall be treated as a break in service of more than one year and the service prior to such breaks and the aggregated breaks shall not be used to calculate the 10 and 15 years of service. No break used to disqualify service shall be used more than once.

    The following time in which an employee is not in pay status shall not constitute a break in service:

    a. time on a leave approved by the proper authority which is consistent with the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of NY or the appropriate personnel authority of a covered organization.

    b. time prior to reinstatement

    c. time on a preferred list pursuant to Civil Service Law Sections 80 and 81 or any similar contractual provision

    d. time not in pay status of 31 days or less.

    Notwithstanding the above, such time as specified in (a), (b), and (c) above shall not be used to calculate the 10 and 15 years of service.

    Once an employee has completed the 10 and/or 15 years of "city" service in pay status and is eligible to receive the respective longevity increment, the increment shall become part of the employee's base rate for all purposes except as provided in the paragraph below.

    The respective longevity increment shall not become pensionable until 15 months after the employee becomes eligible to receive such increment. Fifteen months after the employee becomes eligible to receive the longevity increment, such longevity increment shall become pensionable, and as part of the employee's base rate, shall be subject to the general increase.