Civil Service Exams Open For Filing
The current list of monthly open competitive and promotional exams open for filing can be reached by clicking this link. The complete list of exams being given by DCAS for the entire fiscal year can be obtained at the following link: Civil Service Exam Schedule For The Fiscal Year
2024 Associate Staff Analyst Exam
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services has scheduled an Associate Staff Analyst Exam that is expected to begin on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Filing for the Exam runs from September 4-24, 2024.
Notice of Exam For Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 5041
Notice of Exam For Promotion to Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 5530
As the union representing Associate Staff Analysts, the Organization of Staff Analysts offered one-on-one application assistance from September 9-20 from 4-7pm weeknights. In addition, an eight weeknight classroom-style training class will be offered starting the week of September 30, 2024 and ending November 22, 2024 as well as full days on Saturdays from October 5th-26th.
Information and materials for the classroom training are posted as available below.
Application assistance and exam training will be held at the OSA office, 220 East 23rd Street, Ste 707, between Second and Third Avenues. Assistance is free for those in OSA-represented titles. If you don't work for the City or you are not in an OSA-represented title, you can get our assistance by paying $97.50 in a money order payable to "OSART."
FOR MORE INFORMATION: To sign up for exam training, call George Morgan at (212) 686-1229 between 8am and 4pm weekdays.
Complete and print the OSART form you can find at the link below and bring it, along with your money order for $97.50, to your application assistance session or your first classroom training session.
We are also making available the video segments from older training given by the union for examinations in our title series on the page linked below:
Video Segments From Prior Analyst Series Training Classes
Training Materials A classroom-style training course will be given starting the week of September 30th and running for eight weeks. The weeknight training will take place once a week (on the same day each week) Monday through Friday from 6pm to 9pm with registration starting at 5:30pm. There will be a four-Saturday version of the course starting on October 5th and running through October 26th. The Saturday version of the course will feature two subjects each Saturday, one from 9AM to 12PM and the second from 1PM-4PM, with registration starting at 8:30AM.
You will be assigned a seat when you arrive for the first training class session. Please go to the same place each week. The desks are arranged in groups. The members of your group are your "training buddies." You should attempt to keep in contact with each other by sharing your telephone numbers, in case you need assistance or plan to study together.
The materials for the training course are available as individual PDF files which can be downloaded below by clicking on each of the relevant links. Please be sure to review the introductory materials about the content of the training classes and the schedule of classes.
The training materials include the information needed for each of the eight weeknight training sessions.
The OSA Study Guide that follows includes many practice tests, as well as the "Reference Booklets" given out at some of the previous exams.
The remainder of the Study Guide on this page is divided into the training topics of Management and Supervision, Personnel, Analytical Tools, Statistics, Budget and Contracts, Communication and Grammar, Math, and Test Taking Techniques.
Much of this information has been used in previous training classes and, as a result, may have page numbers on some of the articles. Please disregard the fact that the numbering may not be sequential and you may appear to be missing some pages. Some materials were no longer relevant and we have not included them.
Most topics begin with a section for the curriculum and/or Powerpoint presentations the trainers will be using in the classroom, followed by questions and then individual articles.
A TECHNICAL NOTE: If you attempt to view the PDFs on this page on an IPhone or IPad, you may run into a compatibility problem between Apple and Adobe. Assuming you view the website in Safari or Chrome, if you tap a link, you may only see the first page of a multi-page PDF file. The way around that problem is to hold down the PDF link until a list of options opens, including open in new tab or download linked document. Choosing these options should allow the entire PDF document to open on your Iphone. If you Google the issue, you will see a number of other approaches to solving the problem.
Training Schedule
The schedule of classes you can download at the link below outlines the topics and the days and times that the training will take place.
1. Management & Supervision
2. Personnel
3. Budget & Contracts
4. Communication and Grammar
5. Analytical Tools
6. Math
7. Test Taking Techniques
Fair Use Notice
This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for educational purposes and to advance understanding of public policy issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this page is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
For more information go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this page for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
The Wonderful World of Civil Service Seminar
OSA Executive Director Sheila Gorsky has recorded the following presentation covering a range of issues about civil service rules, regulations and procedures. You can watch it on YouTube at the following link:
In addition, we post various materials that Sheila refers to in her presentation. Please review them and, if you have questions, submit them via the email address Please note in the subject of your email "Civil Service Question."
Administrative Staff Analyst Exam List Seminar
OSA Executive Director Sheila Gorsky and Assistant General Counsel Nora Sullivan provide an overview of list procedures, salaries and longevities for those on the newly released promotional and open competitive Administrative Staff Analyst lists and answer member questions:
Latest Exam Updates - A Summary
Administrative Tests and Measurement Specialist
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services scheduled a Qualified Incumbent Examination for employees provisionally employed in the title of Administrative Tests and Measurement Specialist. The exam opened for filing on August 25, 2021 and closed on September 8, 2021. The minimum qualifications and procedure for applying can be found on the notice of exam which you can download at the following link:
Administrative Tests and Measurement Specialist Notice of Exam (Qualified Incumbent Exam No. 2224)
Administrative Staff Analyst
Open Competitive Administrative Staff Analyst List From Exam #9058 In List Order
Open Competitive Administrative Staff Analyst List From Exam #9058 In Alphabetical Order
Promotional Administrative Staff Analyst Exam No. 9536 By Agency and Score
Please let Sheila Gorsky at the union office know when your agency starts calling from the promotional or open competitive list. If you find yourself on the promotional list of the wrong agency because you moved from one agency to another, you should email DCAS at and explain which agency list you are on and which you should be on and why. Please call Sheila at the union office and let her know your situation and that you have sent the email.
Associate Staff Analyst
Open Competitive Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9061 Score Order
Open Competitive Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9061 Alphabetical Order
Promotional Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9537 By Agency and Score
DCAS has certified the list to all agencies and you should let Sheila Gorsky at the union office know when your agency starts calling from the promotional list. If you find yourself on the promotional list of the wrong agency because you moved from one agency to another, you should email DCAS at and explain which agency list you are on and which you should be on and why. Please call Sheila Gorsky at the union office and let her know your situation and that you have sent the email.
Health Services Manager Health Services Manager List No. 0104 in Alphabetical Order
Health Services Manager List No. 0104 in List Number Order
Administrative Community Relations Specialist
ACRS List - Alphabetical Order
DCAS postponed the Administrative Staff Analyst exam originally scheduled for October, 2019 to February 10, 2020.
Open Competitive Administrative Staff Analyst List From Exam #9058 In List Order
Open Competitive Administrative Staff Analyst List From Exam #9058 In Alphabetical Order
Promotional Administrative Staff Analyst Exam No. 9536 By Agency and Score
Please let Sheila Gorsky at the union office know when your agency starts calling from the promotional list. If you find yourself on the promotional list of the wrong agency because you moved from one agency to another, you should email DCAS at and explain which agency list you are on and which you should be on and why. Please call Sheila at the union office and let her know your situation and that you have sent the email.
You can download the Notice of Exam for the 2020 exams at the links below:
Administrative Staff Analyst - Open Competitive - Exam No. 9058
Administrative Staff Analyst - Promotional - Exam No. 9536
DCAS held a multiple choice Associate Staff Analyst exam in mid-September of 2019.
As of September 15, 2021, DCAS established the list for Promotional Associate Staff Analyst from Exam #9537. You can see the new list for Promotional Associate Staff Analyst at this link:
Promotional Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9537 By Agency And Score
Please let OSA Executive Director Sheila Gorsky know if your agency starts appointing from the promotional or open competitive list. If you find yourself on the promotional list of the wrong agency because you moved from one agency to another, you should email DCAS at and explain which agency list you are on and which you should be on and why. Please call Sheila at the union office and let her know your situation and that you have sent the email.
As of December 22, 2021, DCAS established the list for Open Competitive Associate Staff Analyst. You can find the lists at these links:
Open Competitive Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9061 Score Order
Open Competitive Associate Staff Analyst Exam No. 9061 Alphabetical Order
You can also download the Notice of Exam for the 2019 ASA exams at the links below:
Associate Staff Analyst - Open Competitive - Exam No. 9061
Associate Staff Analyst - Promotional - Exam No. 9537
There is an active list from Exam 0104, which was given in July of 2019, and the list established on 5/25/22.
You can download the Notice of Exam for the 2019 Health Services Manager exam at the links below:
Health Services Manager - Open Competitive - Exam No. 0104
The list from exam 0104 is posted at the links below:
Health Services Manager List No. 0104 in Alphabetical Order
Health Services Manager List No. 0104 in List Number Order
2018 Staff Analyst Exam
2018 Staff Analyst Notice of Exam
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services established a 2,152-name list for Staff Analyst on June 12, 2019.
You can download the complete 2018 Staff Analyst list in alphabetical order at the link below:
Staff Analyst Exam 9008 List - Alphabetical Order
You can download the complete 2018 Staff Analyst list in numerical order at the link below:
Staff Analyst Exam 9008 List - Numerical Order
Below is the current job description for Staff Analyst.
Staff Analyst Job Description
Staff Analyst Trainee Notice of Exam
In July of 2019, DCAS established a Staff Analyst Trainee list from the exam given in July 2018. You can download the SAT list in numeric and alphabetical order at the following two links:
Staff Analyst Trainee List Exam 8031 - Alphabetical Order
Staff Analyst Trainee List Exam 8031 - Numeric Order
Below is the current job description for Staff Analyst Trainee.
Staff Analyst Trainee Job Description
DCAS held exam number 1120 for ACRS in July of 2020. The list from Exam 1120 has been published as of September 29, 2021. The lists can be found at these links:
Some Tips and Rules For the Open Competitive Admin, ASA and SA Lists
Candidates may be called to pools at multiple agencies, since these are citywide open competitive lists which will be given to every agency that has a provisional Administrative, Associate or Staff Analyst, not simply the agency you are presently serving in (assuming you are a City employee already).
Your list number is very important. Agencies cannot simply appoint whomever they want, whenever they want. They must, by law, proceed in number order while making appointments.
Some words about the "One-In-Three Rule." An agency does not have to appoint every successful candidate. When the agency "considers" candidates whose list numbers are #1, 2 and 3 for the first job, the agency can select the best of the "one-in-three."
If the agency gives that first appointment to the candidate whose list number is list #1, numbers 2 and 3 are marked "CNS" or considered but not selected. If a second job is available, list #s 2, 3, and 4 must be considered. If #2 is chosen, #3 has been considered but not selected twice and #4, once.
When a third position is offered, #3, 4 and 5 are considered, but if the job goes to candidate #4, candidate #3 has been considered but not selected three times. His or her name is removed from the list for any future consideration. The agency can (but does not have to) grant a candidate's written request for later restoration to the list. On the other hand, you remain eligible to be called from the list at all other City agencies.
If you are presently a City employee, you need to ask your agency if they have received the certified Administrative or Associate Staff Analyst list from DCAS, if they will reach your number, and whether you will be appointed.
If you receive a notice from another agency inviting you to a hiring pool, you need to tell your agency immediately. If they choose to, they will give you a "DP-72" form to take to the hiring pool at the other agency. The other agency will appoint you for your agency. Agencies help each other in this way all the time, but your agency must approve the appointment by providing the "DP-72" form. Give the form to the personnel at the hiring pool when you arrive. If they reach your number, they will give you papers to return to your agency. You can read more about DP-72 forms by downloading the memo from Michael Schady at this link:
Appointment to a permanent civil service title via a DP 72 Form
If you are called to a pool by your agency or another agency, never decline a job offer. Let them decline you. If you decline a job, you will be removed from the list for every agency and you will have to write to DCAS to restore you. They can only restore you to the list three times. If the agency declines you, you remain on the overall list, but will not be called by that particular agency again. You may, however, write to Human Resources at that agency and ask to be restored to the list for that particular agency.
If you are invited and do not go to a pool or call and tell them you will not be coming, either in your agency or another agency, you will be considered an "FTR" or Failure to Report. You will be taken off the list for every agency and will be forced to write DCAS for restoration to the list - which can only be done three times.
Sometimes, you will have no choice but to FTR at an agency, because agencies sometimes call the list on the same date and at the same time. You will be forced in those cases to choose which pool to attend. If you are appointed at the pool you do attend, you don't need to do anything. If you are declined by the agency whose pool you attended, the FTR in the other agency you did not attend will mean you are removed from the list and you will need to write to DCAS for restoration to the list.
If you are in another higher provisional title (other than Associate Staff Analyst or Staff Analyst - depending on which list you are on), you will remain in your current position at your current salary and become a probationary Associate Staff Analyst (on leave) or probationary Staff Analyst (on leave). After your year's probation as an ASA or SA, you will become a permanent Associate Staff Analyst (on leave) or Staff Analyst (on leave). You will be, what is called "turned over."
OSA normally seeks to monitor the "calling of the list." If you receive a notice calling you to a pool, contact OSA Executive Director Sheila Gorsky at (212) 686-1229. Occasionally, candidates know about a hiring pool before the union does.
If you are not currently an OSA member, we look forward to welcoming you into the union. And, if you are not currently a member of OSA, please call the union office at (212) 686-1229 and let us know how to communicate with you so that we can provide assistance as the list is moved.
Some Tips and Rules For the Staff Analyst Trainee List
Candidates may be called to pools at multiple agencies, since this is a citywide open competitive list.
Your list number is very important. Agencies cannot simply appoint whomever they want, whenever they want. They must, by law, proceed in number order while making appointments.
Some words about the "One-In-Three Rule." An agency does not have to appoint every successful candidate. When the agency "considers" candidates whose list numbers are #1, 2 and 3 for the first job, the agency can select the best of the "one-in-three."
If the agency gives that first appointment to the candidate whose list number is list #1, numbers 2 and 3 are marked "CNS" or considered but not selected. If a second job is available, list #s 2, 3, and 4 must be considered. If #2 is chosen, #3 has been considered but not selected twice and #4, once.
When a third position is offered, #3, 4 and 5 are considered, but if the job goes to candidate #4, candidate #3 has been considered but not selected three times. His or her name is removed from the list for any future consideration. The agency can (but does not have to) grant a candidate's written request for later restoration to the list. On the other hand, you remain eligible to be called from the list at all other City agencies.
If you are presently a City employee, you need to ask your agency if they have received the certified Associate Staff Analyst list from DCAS, if they will reach your number, and whether you will be appointed.
If you receive a notice from another agency inviting you to a hiring pool, you need to tell your agency immediately. If they choose to, they will give you a "DP-72" form to take to the hiring pool at the other agency. The other agency will appoint you for your agency. Agencies help each other in this way all the time, but your agency must approve the appointment by providing the "DP-72" form. Give the form to the personnel at the hiring pool when you arrive. If they reach your number, they will give you papers to return to your agency. You can read more about DP-72 forms by downloading the memo from Michael Schady at this link:
Appointment to a permanent civil service title via a DP 72 Form
If you are called to a pool by your agency or another agency, never decline a job offer. Let them decline you. If you decline a job, you will be removed from the list for every agency and you will have to write to DCAS to restore you. They can only restore you to the list three times. If the agency declines you, you remain on the overall list, but will not be called by that particular agency again. You may, however, write to Human Resources at that agency and ask to be restored to the list for that particular agency.
If you are invited and do not go to a pool or call and tell them you will not be coming, either in your agency or another agency, you will be considered an "FTR" or Failure to Report. You will be taken off the list for every agency and will be forced to write DCAS for restoration to the list - which can only be done three times.
Sometimes, you will have no choice but to FTR at an agency, because agencies sometimes call the list on the same date and at the same time. You will be forced in those cases to choose which pool to attend. If you are appointed at the pool you do attend, you don't need to do anything. If you are declined by the agency whose pool you attended, the FTR in the other agency you did not attend will mean you are removed from the list and you will need to write to DCAS for restoration to the list.
If you are in another higher provisional title, you will remain in your current position at your current salary and become a probationary Staff Analyst Trainee (on leave). After two years, you will become a permanent Staff Analyst (on leave). You will be, what is called "turned over."
OSA normally seeks to monitor the "calling of the list." If you receive a notice calling you to a pool, contact OSA Executive Director Sheila Gorsky at (212) 686-1229. Occasionally, candidates know about a hiring pool before the union does.
If you are not currently an OSA member, we look forward to welcoming you into the union. And, if you are not currently a member of OSA, please call the union office at (212) 686-1229 and let us know how to communicate with you so that we can provide assistance as the list is moved.